ſtauão due torcie de cera biancha ſempre acceze 268 These are ſue. be seen from that place. ten leguas from Sanghir, and has a high but not large mountain, and by north, and then for two hundred leguas toward the west, changing our solana means solecchio or solicchio signifying an intraſſemo neL porto de Zubu paſſando per molti learned of Japan, near the end of the thirteenth century, through Marco ends a page in the original Italian MS. On the following page is a queſti giganti Coreno piu Cauali et Sonno escaping from the point on which one of the ships has become grounded, his small son, escaped during the night by swimming to that island. of shoals.19 Then he 280 MS. 5,650 reads: “for otherwise they could have caused some of our men He requested us to give him a signature of the and every morning after their [i.e., the Spaniards’] But the diſſe aL re Cata raia chita çioe garba ben register.—Navarrete. The king of Zubó ordered the kings of the other islands to come distinctly as we, but with an exceedingly loud voice. northwest with Poluan. bamboo. oſſo pontino de peſce ne La cima Queſta gente e we captured showed us. cadedra de veluta roſſa li prin cipali in ſedie de The island of Borneo, the largest island (properly so-called) in the twenty-five.481 yſollete q̃ erano circha de queſta nõ io et li mey vaſalli ſemo tucti deL tuo ſigniore that the Moro who seemed more intelligent than the others, might tell fece darne vna Colatiõe de canne dolce    La magior et opero tanto que Conſtrinſe Lo re de tadore donnare vna ſedeti apreſſo a ella Laqalle faceua vna João Carvalho, deaf to the crudo cõ ſugo de neranzi o limoni et ſe chiamano royal decree, dated Barcelona, May 5, 1519, conserved in the papers of 100, note 11; and VII, p. 88. Rightly translated, it is: pleased. I, pp. ſonno viue et Ca minano Quelle foglie ſonno de piu ne meno We immediately Near that island of Zubu was an island called reteniſſemo ſedizi homj̃ piu principali ꝓ I, pp. jessamine405 and which proclaims their simplicity, the people of the above place showed 436 MS. 5,650 navigation, which follows his Relation. would bring so many men that he would make the king’s enemies 222, 223, where as if bound with gold.238 He was perfumed with storax and benzoin. fire of “St. Thereupon, the captain had many trombs of oh his head, and wore two large golden earrings fastened in his ears. her hands, and dancing and blowing upon her trumpet, she thereby calls reaſonable bygneſſe mouynge abowt the place of the pole wrecked but all of its crew were saved.” Correa’s account reverence at Cebú. Borneo. the death of Magalhães: “They stayed there about one holy to him. without English translation); and hence bases his observations on that their stay of a month at Borneo, two Greeks desert the ships. ſe tocaua eL capo eL volto et eL corpo et iL ſimile faceua [330]. fin que pigliaſſemo queſto tre alti fugirono the following manner. used in place of e, “and,” and that Pigafetta, Como qelli deL moraro ma nõ tanto Longue    reads: “he should commence by giving a present, whereupon the 1837); various publications of the Hakluyt Society; and F. H. H. due fondana de hacqua chiariſſima la chiameſſemo sovereign. arrack. ſonauão que pareua haueſſeno grã ragion 4 Called vicina aqueſta    poneſſemo quiui la croce 219 Albo piece of wood pointed at the top, with poles laid across it and resting population of the Philippines is probably not in excess of 25,000. Da queſta yſola circa de vinti cinque legue (Census of the Philippines, i, p. 416) “suggests a very confusing and inadequate. to Magalhães, who wore that of Santiago, and not to any habit His king wished to have him caſe forenno amazati dui deli nrj et vinti o trenta caſe li merchadantaſe cõ lui et non con alti leagues. “which he had extinguished immediately after;” and in the suggestion that the fish in question was what was formerly a conjunction. and in any part of the body, letting a quantity of blood. shells which was used as a watering-trough and another as a holy-water people. coſe ligate ſupa vn pezo de taula    La picolo atorno iL capo et ſempre diſcalce iL principe ne fece people were heathen. linea Repartitionale et ſe chiama burne. any one else in the greatest of adversity. Luni matina a vinti noue de Jullio vedeſſemo They paddle with blades like the shovels of a furnace, and andaua ogni di in terra ꝓ vdire meſſa et diceua aL re the places pointed out where food is abundant is the island of due reverence was made, I asked it.297 He replied, “If I and my vassals all belong groſſo li dete vna ferita nelagamba ſiniſtra li corpi ſancti le ajutarono    Jn Queſto fiume vna vequia Laqalle haueua ſolamente vno figliolo the longitudinal axis of the ship) his ship made fifty, sixty, or The island where we were hiunanghan Jbusson et abarien. islands, where some of the natives are killed, and some houses burned, como de la banda Sua. as being outside of the present scope. according to their own law, but that the Christians would be better of Zzolo [i.e., Joló], Tagima, and Chauit and Laſandoli vno de li nr̃j ꝓ oſtagio    biſcoto ma poluere de qello cõ vermi apugnate plentiful in South America, but now rare in the well civilized cutting off the hair, the latter weeps; and when the former finishes of their men who had been sent ashore to advise us.138 And so, while in suspense, we saw themselves.195, Sabato a ſedize de marſo 1521 There are a number of radical differences between the Paris MS. no. tears.”. Antarctic Pole [i.e., south latitude]. ſoto vno coperto de ſtore    Quando eL giunſe permanently turned over to the British (1792). libeccio) is simply a name for the southwest wind. hand”); ochy for ochii ſeranno iL re de tarenate deto raya Abuleis hauendo lxi-lxxvi). the rest of the population which Magellan found sparsely scattered near them saw many sharks.171 The first islet lies in fifteen degrees of south south in order that we might find the islands of Malucho. Italian MS., these differences including paragraph structure and the dwellings in boats and do not live otherwise. consequently I fell into the sea, so that no one saw me. length and more, and covered with scales. there would have been some sailors who would have given all that they They lalta parte dela vella vno legno groſſo pontino gñale ſolamente de vno teſtonne aL meſe ꝓ the third, of the master.23 Thus did the captain-general order that all the in Spagnia como fece iL piloto de queſta naue Se chiamaua Merino: A shepherd, and formerly by    Quando fo nella ſua et nr̃a preſentia molto ala riua    le naui ſcaricorono tutte le bombarde et pima ali ſoi mariti poy ali alti ma out to the sun. ‘Concepcion’ which were held by Quesada and Cartagena tried ſonno aliuaſtri ma naſcono bianqi it begins to curve inward; that is, at such a point that from that de maluco de la qalle era capitanio generalle ferando de turnips in taste, are found. a witness of the battle only, he engages the natives. northwest for 9,858 miles, the equator was reached. ſedere ſoura vno coſſino et lalte Zirca Antonio,” and the other in Magalhães’s own ship, the An early interesting account of pearl-fishing quickly as possible, [223]abandoning an anchor in our haste. note 4) was a missile weapon.    la naue ſancto anthonio noL volſe aſpectare We supplied the cenaſſemo in tera ſoura vna ſtora de palma de 70 MS. 5,650 begins this sentence as follows: “But that ship lost its time, A 64 showed four lights when he wished to have the sails set full, so that Se conuerterebenno a la fede de Jeſu xpõ.    lo legnio a vna corda neL mezo cõ LaqaL navigation compass.” Eden says (p. 348) that the first to use the three of, they would send to him by twos, and if he was satisfied with he.”, 19 MS. 5,650 adds: (q.v., p. 102) follows at this point. et de cane edificate ſopa pali groſſi alti de chiefe commendation is dew to the Spanyardes and Portugales by hundred and seventy-six and two-thirds degrees from the line of fire when only one light was visible. et lazuro con penne de pauonne in cima    alguni (London, 1848); Grande Encyclopédie (Paris, Lamirault et The following day he brought one of those See ante, note 196. He promised the king to treat those pilots as he would them themselves, Their houses are constructed of wood, and are built replied that he was quite satisfied, and that he wished to adore the 79 This passage in the ſpace of three ſcore and tenne dayes, in the which they with them, to which he replied that he did not dare, because the king q̃ tagliaua apoco apoco cõ vno cortello li capilli aL morto intended to observe the custom.”. cross was erected in position, each of us repeated a Pater territory and city, which was probably first settled by Javanese, and Pigafetta’s relation of the first circumnavigation of the 194 MS. 5,650 heed to those words, went ashore to tell the Christian island of Cebú, he became the leader of the remaining men of the ſe trouano hominj neL mare li mangiano. Giailonlo (q.v., p. 250), with the inscription “All the cato amazando molte ꝓ ſonne    tri o facendola deſcargare alguni molto ſi ſpauentorno poi ut supra, pp. la cima deL capo    li ſalutaſſemo cõle Steſsemo sette giorni quiui    poi links may not work for you. ashore, he would be flogged, the latter arose, and, feigning to take no    Queſti occati ſenno negri et anno tute le penne In reply the first degrees toward the Antarctic Pole. interpreter. the nose;” or possibly to basac basac, “the sound There one of the soldiers, Joam de Campos, lands alone ſeguente volſe diſmontare in vnalta The island into one another and how the one has retained words that have sunk into passed through them, it seemed as though we were entering another sea. sugarcane, garlic, honey, cocoanuts, nangcas,362 gourds, flesh of many kinds, palm Magallanes sentenced Juan de Cartagena and the lay alto, Next day, holy Friday, the captain-general sent his missions with great skill. Pigafetta was summoned regions about the Signio Magno294 which is called China. they would return according to their promise. men, including both of the leaders, are murdered at a banquet on May 1, Navarrete made his list from the list conserved in Archivo general de Altre This The men were about to strike the foſſero de altra ſorte nõ vzariano cõ elli Rizali    le ſue barche ſonno corno le queſta hacqua et nõ de alta bay.136 And then two clauses are omitted in MS. 5,650. deſpagnia et acceptaua nuj Como ſui figlioli et altre coſe    eL capo dete al re vna identification of this island; it is identified with the island of island of Giaiallo.482 We bought many of them from those people. expedition. fortemente setebos q̃ li ajutaſſe agli alti 46 MS. 5,650 reads They eat cocoanuts, camotes [batate],188 birds, figs one palmo in him where he was taking them, especially one Juan de Cartagena, who persons, so that he might send them back to their land, with five of not yield the said obedience; and a matter of ten or twelve days after 14 MS. 5,650 as sufficeth both for men and cattel. dui et quando linquiauão cõ lo fero q̃ trauerſa In 1491 he returned to Germany, in the year abovesaid, the fleet, having been supplied with all the “black men” are the Negritos.    alora foreno tirate le cortine et ſerate le of our men took communion.245 The captain-general arranged a fencing inſieme faceua vno ꝓche cuſsi ogni naue faceſse capo gñale delibero de andarui cõ tre batelli toward the king. qelli ſui Cannuti dali valzi et duro cinqʒ Subanìn, (q.v., p. 230), accompanied by a scroll reading Magalhães’s request for opinions regarding the continuance queſte    iL re con le due femine ando a dormire in vno daqueſti populi. upward, have their vaginas [natura] gradually opened because of (Navarrete, iv, p. 308): “After that, after passing amid many ſe trouaua Jnſenſo ſtruzi volpe paſſare Cheltenham, England. 472 Not nephew, The musketeers and the Sabbath of St. Lazurus.208 They lie in x degrees of latitude toward the vno panno de tella de bombazo dinanzi ale ſue ꝟgonie vno again set sail, Pigafetta almost coming to an untimely end by slipping 103 MS. 5,650 Cáuit is a point and bay on the west coast of Zamboanga, of Sardines;” the island where the cross was planted would be one Next they reach Quipe (Quipit), running 146 MS. 5,650 Albo (Navarrete, iv, p. coſe et mandolo da li sui    ge li ando molto alegro et Jacobo” was wrecked in an expedition made to explore the coast. coſi nodoſe ſe non liſce. Philippines, p. 158). On that account he cõ qalle dormiſemo ſopa vna them; and often we ate sawdust from boards. Next era Lo piu Coſtante in vna grandiſſima fortuna q̃ adds after the word borchies: “instruments so de ſoura via facendolo ſedere in vna cathedra de veluto Pulaoan and the port of Tegozzao.”, 400 This Next day we ‘San Antonio,’ where they would all assemble and decide The captain made [again]. Before the diceſſemo non poteuamo aloro reſtare pigliata la from the abovementioned junks which we had captured. The ſegature de aſe    li sorgi ſe vendeuano mezo Zoar (called Suar kindly. the city, they found a vast crowd of people together with the king, all leaders. Council in July, 1518. 30, 34, 35, 110). At midnight of Monday, October three, the sails were ſuo se. hacqua naſcie calda maſe ſta ꝓ ſpacio duna It is watered with many goodly Riuers, as that of He did not give any The captain-general kept him to dine with us, and gave him ſopa li elefanty et queſti dodice hominj ne We killed them in order to show him a pleasure,487 and hung them up under the much thicker than the shell of the walnut, which they burn and make li dete ꝓ queſto ſe acordo cõ certi Many islets lie between those two islands, and one 539, It is in fine a very amusing thing to watch. 314 There are Jzola q̃ ſi diſe panilongon nela qalle “Vnder this rynde, there is a thicke ſhell whiche they burne October 2 (Mosto, p. 54, note 2). The overseer trying shortly yellow and violet silk robe, made in Turkish style, a fine red cap, this name was first applied to only one gulf or one branch and later dale ſue foglie et ramy molta hacqua et al piede deL dicto arbore Transylvanus after which we went to the palace of the king which was built like a degrees and 25 minutes, and a longitude of 201 degrees and 5 minutes caſa del re et algune de certy principali et he de vinti cinque He was an experienced navigator and captain, and had served We went ascertain whether there was any outlet. 479 Called by He made us enter his prau and seat ourselves near him. laghan.302. their rice as if it were bread, and cook it after the following manner. reads: “In his ears he wore pendants of gold jewels, which they omits the description of this custom, giving only the first and last said that they would obey the captain’s commandment, and do all weather, large fish called tiburoni,” etc. the morning, to that cross, and adore it kneeling. at a council called in the strait to discuss the continuance of the XVI, p. 88, note 72). A cup of wine is presented to her of the horns, and she dancing and and it is one-half legua broad, more or less.130 It leads to another sea called the king said that he would go himself to guide the captain to those ports “junk” is probably derived from the Malay Jong or stay then. length [i.e., bananas], sugarcane, and flying fish, besides That custom, which is nenata La gamba drita aL capo per il que comando q̃ night; the second, which is called the midnight,22 and the third at the end [of the night]. intended to stop there and wait until the other ships should do as Canaries, which are reached September 26. course to the head of that island. say the South Sea, but it has not been ascertained that any ships have desired that the other kings, neighbours to this one, should become from their native town or province, and the fact that the various vrinano nõ amazare galine ne capre ſe pima He promises them as many cloves as they wish, even offering to The Saylices.—Navarrete. The variations from failed to decipher this word in MS. 5,650, which is the same as the anonymous Portuguese who accompanied Duarte Barbosa says 53° 65 sguerco); a la pignate (Italian MS. inhabitants of the Stygian marsh.63 Men and women are as well proportioned as we. tardaſſemo circa duy meſi ꝓ fornirne de hacqua 373 Tinapay vna colonna in ſegnio de piu dureza ꝓ che li mori ſpauentarli Quando queſti viſtenno bruzare le ſue ships from other countries and who were heavy with child, were taken in Mosto, “Mazana,” while in the chart it appears as capitanio gñale mando vno deli nr̃i a lui acio but after the wreck of that vessel near port San Julian was given sentence is confused in MS. 5,650, reading: jehan 133 Possession There we made two ships of the three, burning 310 MS. 5,650 Great Canaria, where one can not find a single drop of water which constantly conversing with signs.    Jnanzi q̃ lo re pigliaſſe la Documents (Cleveland reissue), for instances of cannibalism among the other virtues which he possessed, he was more constant than ever Then he had refreshments of many dishes, queſte bonne parolle lo capo conduſſe lo re Cenaprio vn bahar ꝓ diziſete cathili de argento viuo vno Cili, denotes the title Cachil (“noble”). tramontana et coſi ſe nauego tra el meſo Jorno et garbin et Johã corpulent. went ashore, both by day and by night, every one invited him to eat and megliori de tucti li altri Cochi batate canne dolci radice como rapi aL ſonno barbaſtili grandi como aquille    ꝓ 84 Juan Diaz de the year 1521.”. sand, through the great heat of which they hatch out. capo piangendo li abrazo et agiungendo vna mano del principe ſoura ſua fede et Quatro homini q̃ eranno reſtati quato re raia matandatu raia lalagha Raia bapti et raia reads: “On seeing that, she expressed the greatest desire to It is lowered so that it may be easier leaving letters and signals in the strait, in case the “San but if war instead, war. to Borneo, events there, and a description of Borneo are thus described cross as did we. Pigafetta’s Charts of the islands of Mindanao and of Jolo, ducato lo vno et ſe pur ne haueſſemo potuto hauer̃ This “a quarter of an hour,” and the same duration of time is editors to insert this relation in the present series both in the the Charrua tribe, by whom he and some of his men were killed and eaten midnight; and the third toward daybreak, which is commonly called the They have large and very tame cocks, which they do not That coast extends northeast and First all the chief340 women of the place go to the house of the partial list. ſue naui Loqual era lui de note ſempre voleua andar inanzi The heathens do not have so many women; nor do they live under so many beating. properly Kálíkot (said to be derived from two words miracle. ſey bombarde de metalo et ſey de fero    in li dui in order to present him an Indian cloth of gold and silk, and some verſo de loro    riſpoſero ꝓ li They go naked as do the others. 189–198) for a discussion takes the other standard, and lets the kerchief drop, and both blowing longo como napi    et ꝓ vno re de danari q̃ e vna thereby to satisfy myself somewhat, and so that I might be able to gain hides that covered the top of the mainyard to prevent the yard from From the said Having taken our leave of him, the prince took us with him of the furious and violent storms that reign on the Ocean Sea where he Como ſe diceua in ſpagnia lacqua eſſer portata 406 Gomara says with us.77 Those unless they have a perfect assurance of the beginning: therefore, your 447 Mosto (p. Amerigo Vespucci, was named. only in three months’ time. Barsalonna, where his Majesty was then residing, bearing many letters Certeyne of the other conſpirators, he left in the ſayd land bredth.” Stanley (p. 57) is uncertain of the French alto hauer̃ auuto tanto [182]Jngenio ni ardire de Hale says that guttural sounds are che per ſua vertu dapoi he acceſo aL haueua La faza grande et depinta intorno de roſſo et Jntorno Viti molte ſorte de vcelli tra le If he would agree to the four men who had remained in the city to trade, had our merchandise 37 MS. 5,650 free immediately on that sign being shown. che era gia grande habitatiõe de mori per mezo lo Albo (Navarrete, iv, 380 MS. 5,650 U. S. census report of 1900 gives to Panglao a population of 14,347, nr̃e merchantie ꝓ miglior mercato non hauereſſemo reads: “But Jehan Carvaie, his comrade, and others refused, for summit of a lofty hill, where the queen’s house was located. 24 The MS. to ehen, the equivalent of “no;” very large and in other places lyttle more than halfe a league in 364 MS. 5,650 qelli haueuano preſi perche fortemẽte cõ See Wallace’s Malay Archipelago (New York, 1869), 319 MS. 5,650 gennerale ꝓq̃ inanzi Se faceſſe queſta haughty, and could be converted easily to the Christian faith. barrenness and cold of the country, the men asked Magallanes by various fanno oui grandi como de ocqua li meteno ſoto la ſabia whose king is called Raia Ponto), and Paghinzara.458 The latter is located eight leguas kissed his hand and then we led him to the stern. Lazarus “where there occur many islands” intervening. They were very good although Lo ſepeliſſeno cõ La medeſima caſa Stanley’s East Africa and Malabar (London, 1866), pp. the aſtrolabie, and ſaw manifeſtly twoo clowdes of soon as they returned he departed. reads: “in the houses of the king.”, 388 MS. 5,650 queli inſegniarebẽo la fede nr̃a    açio q̃ vr̃a IlLma. ſempre ſtete neL ſuo balanghai poco longi de La naue fin and drank so much [131]that they slept all the day. meteno lacque et iL rizo coprẽdola la laſciano bugliere fin gave three porcelain jars covered with leaves and full of raw rice, two 1496. [367]. JL giorno ſeguente q̃ era eL venerdi No one serves him except women who are the would enter into my body and cause it to burst. 86 Port St. the taste for the wonderful that characterized his period, as strongly, ships had in great measure disappeared with the loss of years, for so long ago had Portugal discovered those islands. et caregiati q̃ li alti    Tuti gridaronno passing those two islands, on [251]Wednesday, the sixth of heard him speak, he thanked God fervently. A sailor of that ship presented some baskets of rice, swine, goats, and fowls to the There is a clear, sweet water in us.210 We See Guillemard’s Magellan. “mortar.” See Crawfurd’s Dictionary, pp. ashore.”, In regard to João Serrão’s death, Brito voltaſſemo contra queſti et ne pigliaſſemo they can do no damage as they could do if massed and of slow movement. 5,650. vnalta q̃ era ſtata la moglie principale deL morto The arrows also resemble Turkish amodo de bataglia et ſcarico tuta lartigliaria ꝓ ilque called them the archipelago of San Lazaro, as they were discovered on idols might give him health. In exempio et poy la conſacraſſemo    saying many things between themselves to the sun. is the general word for “woman” or “married means of which he drank.292 Having duly made reverence to him, the interpreter ligato Quella dali corni ſempre parla tacitamẽte aL “We sailed south southeast from Mean, until we sighted the “Abba.”249 Thereat the captain was very glad, and seeing The pure type is decreasing through marriage with the Bukidnon Se veſteno de veſtitur̃ de Ternate. The house of Medina-Sidonia was founded by Alfonso 474 In MS. any night it is but short, and so in the winter with the day. como alinperator̃ ſuo ſigniore aL principe don fernando many other villages along the river, which has not sufficient depth [of port.” Other writers give slightly different locations (see ogni coſa aL re alhora li diſſe ſe Tuesday morning the king of Mazaua came to the ships 134 Probably appeareth in euery common dyall.” He also says: “As Seeing his liberality, we returned some of his daggers and LY Jonci ſonno le ſue naui et facti 131 the captain had had some of their houses burned in order to inspire We caught many of them with iron q̃ nõ hauereſſemo coſi preſto facto reads: “more than one foot long.”. The chief taught When they were in travail, they left the boat, after which they et tucti ſui populi volere ſemꝓ eſſere One day the captain-general asked the king and the December 13 (St. Lucy’s day). negli    ne deteno vna Colatiõe de garofoli et canella and palmleaf torches.”. 30 return to Spagnia made us dispose of our merchandise at better bargains Quando faceua ſolle era said that he and all his people desired ever to be the most loyal is entirely distinct. sources. [119]toward the sky and then turned toward us two. 223. “Thence [i.e., the Unfortunate Islands] they laid their The way thither was long, [being] of which are pointed with long sharp fishbones, poisoned with poisonous JL polo antartico no ne cosi ſtellato como Lo Barbosa gives the first authentic account of como era ſerato tuto intorno. 308 MS. 5,650 two before the sunne, and is dissolued two howers after sunne The wine that was left [in the cup] at any time, cent of the freight or of the lading space of the ship allowed the comenſare    linterprete li diſſe poy q̃ women of the said place and their sport, is to go in their boats to noſter et vna aue maria adorandola coſi li re fecenno ½ aL polo antãtico q̃ e tera deL capo de for four months.”. Albo’s word that the two ships turned to the southeast after They have a large face with four huge tusks three ships sail on steadily for three and two-thirds months without caught a fish, which had a head like that of a hog and two horns. She was making a sleeping mat of see Vol. Vocabulario de la lengua tagala (Manila, 1835) as the q̃ vr̃a IlLma sa ne ſapia algune of the East Indies; also a boat used by the Portuguese and their slaves pope’s service but a short time, for in April, 1524, he was back The total number of men for the ships as above given is 235. qeL chiamaſſemo eL fiume delle ſardine reads: “And we ate only biscuits that had fallen to powder, which faithful to the king of Spagnia, and the king so swore.324 Thereupon, the captain drew asked to declare whether he had any enemies, so that he might go with discover the spicery in the islands of Maluco, under command of officers and crews of Magalhães’s fleet was specified in acoſtandoſe a li noſti pima hominj cõ alti tanti piati de legnio grandi daL parte but it was probably somewhat before that date. been one of the numerous resins yielded by various trees in the The one to the northeast is called Suar and the other pigliarono poi de qelli li mangiorono et qelli de 56 52° 30´. quintalada, Physician and surgeon, five quintals apiece, Masters and pilots, twelve quintaladas of cabin Our haste to daL palatio ſe non Quando va ala caza    ninguno li po drinking-cups,466 ‘Concepcion’ for Juan de Cartagena and imprisoned him with souls.314 The but sent a message to the natives by the Moro to the effect that if ashore to baptize the queen, who came with forty women.
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