Pluriel. The two countries merged into one. Mergesort (von englisch merge ‚verschmelzen‘ und sort ‚sortieren‘) ist ein stabiler Sortieralgorithmus, der nach dem Prinzip teile und herrsche (divide and conquer) arbeitet. 2015: February 18: Funding: Uber raises an additional $1 billion in its $40 billion pre-money valuation Series E, increasing the total Series E money raised to $2.8 billion (after adding the first $1.2 billion and the next $600 million raised from Baidu). M&A steht für alle Vorgänge im Zusammenhang mit der The rivers merge just north of a vital irrigation system. Cuvântul ion a fost introdus de Michael Faraday. Compare Aromanian njergu, njeardziri; cf. Mergesort betrachtet die zu sortierenden Daten als Liste und zerlegt sie in kleinere Listen, die jede für sich sortiert werden. merger. also Albanian mërgoj (“to move away”) and Sardinian imbergere (“to push”). Plural. Etimologie Etimologia cuvântului a fost dezbătută de numeroși etnologi și filologi, propunându-se variate explicații pentru originea sa. Synonymes [modifier le wikicode] funcționa; Forme de verbe [modifier le wikicode] merge \ Prononciation ? There may have been an intermediate sense of "to fall" in earlier Romanian.[1]. pîș i n, (înv.) If one sound, color, or object merges into another, the first changes so gradually into the second that you do not notice the change. (O fire ~.) ( Bourgogne) Variante de murger . Merge definition: If one thing merges with another, or is merged with another, they combine or come... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples merge Bedeutung, Definition merge: 1. to combine or join together, or to cause things to do this: 2. to join a line of moving traffic…. Learn the translation for ‘merge’ in LEO’s English ⇔ German dictionary. Citește în continuare informații interesante despre originea numelui de familie. « Murge » vient de l'anglais « to merge » [modifier | modifier le wikicode] Cette proposition vient d'une réponse à une question sur l’étymologie de murge sur A merge după (cineva) = a) (despre femei) a se mărita; b) a urma sfaturile, povețele cuiva. merge (third-person singular simple present merges, present participle merging, simple past and past participle merged), From Latin mergere, present active infinitive of mergō (itself ultimately from Proto-Indo-European *mesg- (“to plunge, dip”)), with a unique sense developing in Balkanic or Eastern Romance. blajin, blînd, bun, pașnic, (livr.) From Latin mergere, present active infinitive of mergō (itself ultimately from Proto-Indo-European *mesg- (“to plunge, dip”) ), with a unique sense developing in Balkanic or Eastern Romance. Der gleiche Stamm auch in berberisch ⴰⵎⴰⵔⴳⴰⵣ amargaz, deutsch ‚Würstchen‘ und in mozarabisch mirkas oder merkas. lin. 1. Die MERGE-Anweisung ist bei einem Kompatibilitätsgrad von sowohl 90 als auch 100 verfügbar. Deuxième personne de l’impératif affirmatif singulier du verbe a merge. coborît, încet, lin, molcom, potolit, scăzut, scoborît, slab, stins, (rar) slăbăn o g. (Vorbește cu glasul ~.) Englisch-Deutsch-Übersetzungen für to merge with im Online-Wörterbuch (Deutschwörterbuch). Bank of America merged with a rival bank. Compare Aromanian njergu, njeardziri; cf. Turui . This page was last edited on 3 December 2020, at 22:50. Regular verbs. Marcher et Aller. Funktionsweise. deplasare , mișcare dintr-un loc în altul; umblet , mergere . Merge-Algorithmen (von englisch merge ‚verschmelzen‘) sind eine Familie von Algorithmen, die mehrere sortierte Listen als Eingabe erhalten und eine einzelne sortierte Liste ausgeben, welche alle Elemente der Eingabelisten enthält. Anion și cation provin de la ἀνιόν anion și respectiv κατιόν kation, însemnând "urcător" și "coborâtor". Etimologie. This section needs someone to add example sentences to it. Retrieved from " ". ... Bărbații nu trebuie să le supere pe femei, să nu se certe cu ele, pentru că altfel nu le va merge bine în tot anul. Etymology. La dernière modification de cette page a été faite le 29 août 2020 à 18:00. calm, liniștit, molcom, netulburat, pașnic, potolit, tihnit, (înv.) If it is not obvious what needs to be merged you could relist the discussion asking for more specifics or even individually ping editors asking for … păciu i t, (fig.) der Erwerb von Unternehmenseinheiten oder eines ganzen Unternehmens (Acquisition) bezeichnet. \ Troisième personne du singulier du présent de l’indicatif du verbe a merge. Merge-Algorithmen werden in vielen Algorithmen als Unterprogramm verwendet. Lexikon Online ᐅMergers & Acquisitions: Mit dem Begriff wird i.d.R. A merge în urma (sau pe urmele) cuiva = a urmări pe cineva. \mɛʁ.ʒe\. Etymologie. Vraisemblablement, d'après le sens du mot anglais « to merge » qui signifierai « perdre son identité dans quelque chose d'autre ». II. Mit Flexionstabellen der verschiedenen Fälle und Zeiten Aussprache und relevante Diskussionen Kostenloser Vokabeltrainer ♦ (La unele jocuri, mai ales la cel de cărți) A se angaja, a participa la joc. merges. Ce fut avec transport que j’y revis ma pyramide, élevée sur le plus haut merger. Colgate-Palmolive - formed from a merger of soap manufacturers Colgate & Company and Palmolive-Peet. merge \ˈmɝdʒ\ (États-Unis), \ˈmɜːdʒ\ (Royaume-Uni), merge \ˈmeɾ.ʤe\ 3e groupe (voir la conjugaison). eine Fusion oder eine Verschmelzung zweier Unternehmen zu einer rechtlichen und wirtschaftlichen Einheit (Merger) bzw. mergers. faptul de a merge. Lernen Sie die Übersetzung für 'merge' in LEOs Englisch ⇔ Deutsch Wörterbuch. MERGE ist ein vollständig reserviertes Schlüsselwort, wenn der Kompatibilitätsgrad der Datenbank auf 100 oder höher festgelegt ist. merge définition, signification, ce qu'est merge: 1. to combine or join together, or to cause things to do this: 2. to join a line of moving traffic…. merge. a merge (third-person singular present merge, past participle mers) 3rd conj. A merge mână în mână (cu...) = a fi în strânsă legătură, a se desfășura concomitent, a se înlănțui. Consider weighting a merge !vote without any further information closer to a redirect. [...] of capital - National legislation providing for the charging, in the case of a 'reverse' merger, of a proportional registration tax of 1 % of the value of such a transaction - Classification as capital duty - Increase in capital - Increase in the assets of the company - Increase in the value of shares - Provision of services by a member - Decision to merge made by the members of the member) Das deutsche Wort ist aus gleichbedeutendem französisch merguez [mɛʁ'ɡɛz] entlehnt.Das französische Wort ist wiederum eine Entlehnung aus arabisch مرقاز, DMG mirqāz ‚Würstchen‘, das im Französischen als merguez transkribiert wurde. dest i ns, d u lce. Définition, traduction, prononciation, anagramme et synonyme sur le dictionnaire libre Wiktionnaire. ^ Pantano.Ro Pântano.Ro Mla%C5%9Ftin%C4%83%20 En savoir plus. merge \ˈmeɾ.ʤe\ 3 e groupe (voir la conjugaison) Fonctionner. În limba greacă ἰόν ion este participiul prezent de la ἰέναι ienai (a merge) și deci înseamnă mergător. (Merge ~.) Ein bekanntes Beispiel dafür ist Mergesort mansu e t, (reg.) MIT Sloan School Of Management: One of the top business schools in America, located at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Borrowed from Latin mergō (“to dip; dip in; plunge; sink down into; immerse; overwhelm”). 6. adj. Definition from Wiktionary, the free dictionary, to dip; dip in; plunge; sink down into; immerse; overwhelm,, Romanian terms derived from Proto-Indo-European, English terms needing to be assigned to a sense, Terms with redundant transliterations/mnc, Requests for review of Dutch translations, Requests for review of German translations, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. fel de a merge al cuiva; umblet , călcătură ; ritm sau viteză cu care merge cineva. ( countable) A merge is the point at which two different things join together. Er wurde erstmals 1945 durch John von Neumann vorgestellt. Mais, même si l'on peut voir un lien avec l'état d'ivresse, ce verbe ne semble pas être utilisé pour … The merged company would be significantly larger than Uber in China. Este de până la viața ta pentru a merge în iad în cazul în care diavolul trăiește sau la cer distractiv în cazul în care Maria zâmbește. (ii)the merger of the company with or into a third person or the merger of a third person with or into the company, or the sale of all or substantially all assets (consolidated) of the company to a third person, except in connection with legal transactions, as a result of which (A) in the event of a merger the holders of 100 % of the company's voting rights hold at least the majority of the voting rights in the surviving legal entity immediately after such a merger … One of the goals of web Service Pack 2 was to increase user-friendliness and thus the user's efficiency through new functions such as fast campaigns (mail merge), auto fill, e.g., for date entry, universal support of key combinations, faster access to frequently needed data records through handy quick links, introduction of the breadcrumb trail for improved navigation and much more. merger \mɛʁ.ʒe\ masculin. With noun/verb tables for the different cases and tenses links to audio pronunciation and … 5. adj. Categories: Verbs. MERGE is a fully reserved keyword when the database compatibility level is set to 100 or higher. (On appelle ainsi, dans le canton, les fréquents tas de pierres tirés de nos arides campagnes). Palmolive was named for the two oils (Palm and Olive) used in its manufacture. Merges should be treated the same way (see WP:JUSTAVOTE). Numele de familie este o practică ce s-a răspândit de-a lungul timpului în toate culturile umane, fiecare zonă și cultură având propriile reguli de folosire și aplicare., Wiktionnaire:Prononciations phonétiques manquantes en anglais, Wiktionnaire:Prononciations manquantes en roumain, licence Creative Commons attribution partage à l’identique, Troisième personne du singulier du présent de l’indicatif du verbe, Deuxième personne de l’impératif affirmatif singulier du verbe. "[T] el termenul etimologie... este derivat din grecescul etumos," adevărat ", și se referă la sensul primar sau adevărat al unui cuvânt. Sinonime: a merge, a străbate, a păşi, a-şi croi drum, a-şi tăia drum; a se perinda, a se succeda, a curge, a se scurge, a se desfăşura; a vizita, a se abate; a sări peste (ceva), a depăşi, a întrece; a da, a preda, a transmite; a înregistra, a înscrie, a introduce; a nu mai fi, a se epuiza, a se sfârşi; a îmbătrâni, a se stinge, a se ofili, a se veşteji. Un merger dans un champ de la Nièvre. also Albanian mërgoj (“to move away”) and Sardinian imbergere (“to push”). Peet was dropped in 1953. Colgate was named after William Colgate, an English immigrant, who set up a starch, soap and candle business in New York City in 1806. Englisch-Deutsch-Übersetzungen für merger im Online-Wörterbuch (Deutschwörterbuch). 4. adj.
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