Non-crucial goals conceded: goals conceded that decreased an existing lead, or increased the opponent's existing lead. Note regarding the Goals giving the lead and the Goals giving the lead to the opponent values: both the team and the opponent team might take the lead more than once during a single match, Non-crucial goals scored: goals scored that increased an existing lead, or decreased the opponent's existing lead. so the total number of goals giving the lead to a team might be higher than the number of matches played by the team. 5. Ingyen igazolta le a fentebb már megnevezett Kacaniklic-et. Sequence, an ordered list of elements, especially one of infinite length; Tuple, an ordered list of finite length; Multiset, a list/set of elements which can have multiplicity different than 1; Enumerations. Vaš preglednik ne podržava JavaScript koji je potreban za pregled stranice. A 29 éves támadó felbontotta szerzÅdését korábbi együttesével és egyelÅre fél évre kötelezte el magát az eszékiekhez. 15:11 - 11. Lead-defending ability (at home)In home matches, Rijeka have taken the lead 7 times and have conceded an equalizer on 2 occasions, corresponding to a home lead-defending rate of 71% (for an opponents' equalizing rate of 29%). Platz. Gyurcsó 2018-ban, a téli átigazolási szezonban érkezett a Hajduk Splithez, amely többször kölcsönadta, például a Puskás Akadémiának is. Non-crucial goals scored: goals scored that increased an existing lead, or decreased the opponent's existing lead. Non-crucial goals scored: goals scored that increased an existing lead, or decreased the opponent's existing lead. Hajduk Split . Gelbe Karte (Hajduk) Simic Hajduk. | 21:02h ... Hajduk svladao Varaždin 2:0, ... Traži Twitter Facebook Marketing Kontakt Impressum Pravila privatnosti. )0-2 K. Lovric (44), (1) (Equalizer goals conceded / Goals giving lead) * 100 Službena web stranica HNK HAJDUK SPLIT © Sva prava pridržana 1911-2021. Hajduk Split have taken the lead 15 times and have conceded an equalizer on 5 occasions, corresponding to a lead-defending rate of 67% (for an opponents' equalizing rate of 33%). Hajduk . )2-1 S. Kulenovic (36), 1-0 M. Bulat (12) ---------- HT: 1-0 ----------2-0 E. Sahiti (74), ---------- HT: 0-0 ----------1-0 F. Andrijasevic (64) 1-1 P. Bockaj (83), 1-0 M. Caktas (10) 1-1 S. Loncar (40) ---------- HT: 1-1 ----------1-2 L. Menalo (69), 0-1 L. Ivanusec (1) 1-1 N. Galovic (28) 2-1 L. Menalo (35) ---------- HT: 2-1 ----------2-2 R. Lauritsen (81), ---------- HT: 0-0 ----------0-1 L. Menalo (66) 0-2 F. Andrijasevic (71), 1-0 I. Urata (3) 2-0 J. Obregon (33) ---------- HT: 2-0 ----------2-1 S. Kulenovic (80), 0-1 F. Andrijasevic (29) 1-1 J. Spoljaric (38) ---------- HT: 1-1 ----------1-2 F. Andrijasevic (66), 0-1 F. Andrijasevic (27) (o.g. Za potpuni tekst Politike privatnosti i Politike kolačića i detaljnije informacije o svakom pojedinom području molimo Vas da koristite ovu poveznicu. Equalizing ability (at home)Of the 8 times that Rijeka's opponents have taken the lead when Rijeka were playing at home, Rijeka have managed to score an equalizer on 5 occasions, corresponding to a home equalizing rate of 62%. Non-crucial goals scored: goals scored that increased an existing lead, or decreased the opponent's existing lead. The home/away result view table is only displayed for leagues set up to have each team play no more than twice against each opponent (one match at home and one match away) during the season. HNL. The data and stats related to Rijeka vs Hajduk Split provide an overview of the both teams' stats during the season in Croatia - 1. (2) (Equalizer goals scored / Goals giving lead to opponent) * 100. Lead-defending ability (away)In away matches, Hajduk Split have taken the lead 9 times and have conceded an equalizer on 3 occasions, corresponding to an away lead-defending rate of 67% (for an opponents' equalizing rate of 33%). Note regarding the Goals giving the lead and the Goals giving the lead to the opponent values: both the team and the opponent team might take the lead more than once during a single match, Susret je odmah po zavrÅ¡etku komentirao trener Hajduka Paolo Tramezzani koji je bio izrazito nezadovoljan igrom svoje momÄadi. 2021. Lead-defending ability (at home)In home matches, Hajduk Split have taken the lead 6 times and have conceded an equalizer on 2 occasions, corresponding to a home lead-defending rate of 67% (for an opponents' equalizing rate of 33%). Equalizing ability (at home)Of the 9 times that Hajduk Split's opponents have taken the lead when Hajduk Split were playing at home, Hajduk Split have managed to score an equalizer on 4 occasions, corresponding to a home equalizing rate of 44%. U skladu s novom europskom regulativom (GDPR) HNK Hajduk š.d.d. List (surname) Liszt (surname) Places. 03. Službena web stranica najvećeg hrvatskog nogometnog kluba, Tramezzani najavio Jadranski derbi: Mnogi igrači osjećaju posljedice, sustav u kojem ćemo sutra igrati prvenstveno ?e diktirati liječnici, Hajdukov sportski direktor odbio ponudu iz Austrije, Bravo za Jakobušića: potezi da se ne prodaje Vuškovića i druge, a Hajduk ojača Kalinićem, Fossatijem, Livajom i Kačanlikićem, pokazuju da ima formulu. NAKON poraza u Gradskom vrtu protiv Osijeka Hajduk se u Opatiji priprema za utakmicu s Rijekom. so the total number of goals giving the lead to a team might be higher than the number of matches played by the team. Split: Hajduk - Varaždin 2:0 Hajduk je upisao Äetvrtu pobjedu u nizu.... Hajduk II - Croatia (Z) u nedjelju na Poljudu ... Twitter Follow @hajduk_hr. Note regarding the Goals giving the lead and the Goals giving the lead to the opponent values: both the team and the opponent team might take the lead more than once during a single match, so the total number of goals giving the lead to a team might be higher than the number of matches played by the team. Checklist; Electoral list, a grouping of candidates [FOTO. Non-crucial goals scored: goals scored that increased an existing lead, or decreased the opponent's existing lead. Equalizing ability (away)Of the 5 times that Hajduk Split's opponents have taken the lead when Hajduk Split were playing away, Hajduk Split have managed to score an equalizer on 0 occasions, corresponding to an away equalizing rate of 0%. HAJDUK je u utakmici 18. kola HNL-a poražen na domaÄem terenu od Lokomotive s 1:0, a jedini pogodak na utakmici zabio je Oliver Petrak. Our website is made possible by displaying online advertisements to our visitors. Note regarding the Goals giving the lead and the Goals giving the lead to the opponent values: both the team and the opponent team might take the lead more than once during a single match, Spielminute. Split: Hajduk - Varaždin 2:0 Hajduk je upisao Äetvrtu pobjedu u nizu.... Lovre KaliniÄ promoviran u kapetana Bijelih ... Twitter Follow @hajduk_hr. Uključite JavaScript ili nadogradite svoj preglednik. 08. Non-crucial goals conceded: goals conceded that decreased an existing lead, or increased the opponent's existing lead. Non-crucial goals conceded: goals conceded that decreased an existing lead, or increased the opponent's existing lead. JakobuÅ¡iÄ i NikoliÄius doÅ¡li podržati Split protiv Crvene zvezde. Non-crucial goals conceded: goals conceded that decreased an existing lead, or increased the opponent's existing lead. Kolačiće upotrebljavamo kako bismo korisnicima omogućili korištenje naših online usluga, što bolje korisničko iskustvo prilikom korištenja web stranica kao i ostale funkcionalnosti koje inače ne bismo mogli pružati. More statistics tables can be accessed from the 'Statistics' dropdown list on the league navigation menu. so the total number of goals giving the lead to a team might be higher than the number of matches played by the team. je posvetio veliku važnost zaštiti podataka svojih korisnika odnosno način postupanja s informacijama koje se obrađuju odnosno prikupljaju prilikom posjete internetske stranice tome, nadograđena je politika zaštite privatnosti i korištenja kolačića. Equalizing ability (away)Of the 8 times that Rijeka's opponents have taken the lead when Rijeka were playing away, Rijeka have managed to score an equalizer on 2 occasions, corresponding to an away equalizing rate of 25%. Susret na Rujevici igra se u srijedu (18:05 sati), a rijeÄ je o zaostaloj utakmici petog kola. Marko Livaja torna a casa. GA: Goals conceded ('goals against'), 1-0 D. Colina (8) 2-0 K. Memija (45) (o.g. Lead-defending abilityRijeka have taken the lead 12 times and have conceded an equalizer on 3 occasions, corresponding to a lead-defending rate of 75% (for an opponents' equalizing rate of 25%). GF: Goals scored ('goals for') Football fans can keep a tab on stats related to their favourite team or leagues of interest, and access a wide range of team performance data analytics and league standings, not only on the world's most famous professional leagues, but also on amateur and regional leagues over the world. L'attaccante croato, classe 1992 ha firmato con l'Hajduk Spalato fino alla fine della stagione in corso, dopo aver risolto il suo contratto con l'AEK Atene. Non-crucial goals conceded: goals conceded that decreased an existing lead, or increased the opponent's existing lead. The Rijeka score with the most occurences, In this example, Rijeka have been in the lead for an average duration of, The Hajduk Split score with the most occurences, In this example, Hajduk Split have been in the lead for an average duration of. A svéd válogatott játékos a hazáját, egészen pontosan a Hammarbyt hagyta el a Split kedvéért, és írt alá 2024-ig érvényes szerzÅdést. List auf Sylt, the northernmost village in Germany, on the island of Sylt; Mathematics. Non-crucial goals conceded: goals conceded that decreased an existing lead, or increased the opponent's existing lead. Example of soccer statistics include league standings, form tables, top goal scorers, scoring stats, statistical previews, goal times and attendance stats. Daljnjim korištenjem naše web stranice, suglasni ste s korištenjem kolačića. Equalizing abilityOf the 14 times that Hajduk Split's opponents have taken the lead, Hajduk Split have managed to score an equalizer on 4 occasions, corresponding to an equalizing rate of 29%. ), ---------- HT: 0-0 ----------1-0 L. Kleinheisler (59) 2-0 R. Mierez (89), 0-1 M. Vuskovic (6) 1-1 M. Orsic (16) 2-1 M. Orsic (18) ---------- HT: 2-1 ----------3-1 L. Majer (83), ---------- HT: 0-0 ----------0-1 T. Teklic (62), ---------- HT: 0-0 ----------1-0 K. Dimitrov (72) 2-0 A. Gyurcso (84), 0-1 Jairo (34) 0-2 M. Caktas (36) 1-2 V. Jugovic (43), 0-1 I. Krstanovic (38) ---------- HT: 0-1 ----------1-1 D. Diamantakos (51) 2-1 A. Gyurcso (65) 2-2 S. Bacelic-Grgic (71), 0-1 L. Kastrati (42) ---------- HT: 0-1 ----------0-2 M. Orsic (50) 1-2 S. Juric (88), 1-0 A. Gyurcso (5) ---------- HT: 1-0 ----------2-0 M. Caktas (49), 0-1 M. Caktas (44) ---------- HT: 0-1 ----------1-1 K. Lovric (62) 2-1 J. Hamad (79), ---------- HT: 0-0 ----------1-0 M. Vuk (86), 0-1 R. Mierez (23) ---------- HT: 0-1 ----------1-1 D. Colina (55), 0-1 U. Nayir (45) ---------- HT: 0-1 ----------0-2 Vinko Soldo (56) (o.g. provides football statistics and results on national and international soccer competitions worldwide. Trener Hajduka Paolo Tramezzani na raspolaganju ima 23 igraÄa nakon Å¡to je poslije utakmice s Osijekom dvojicu igraÄa odmah poslao za Split. ), 0-1 M. Caktas (12) ---------- HT: 0-1 ----------1-1 I. Tuci (56) 1-2 M. Caktas (90), 1-0 I. Posavec (4) 2-0 J. Grgec (32) ---------- HT: 2-0 ----------3-0 M. Senic (59) 3-1 M. Caktas (72) 3-2 M. Caktas (78) 4-2 J. Obregon (90), 0-1 M. Dieye (6) 1-1 J. Atanasov (24) ---------- HT: 1-1 ----------1-2 K. Lovric (54) 2-2 D. Diamantakos (63) 2-3 K. Lovric (76) 2-4 N. Moro (89). People. Utakmica ABA lige: KK Split - Crvena zvezda. '31-45' and '76-90' include added time A Hajduk most egy ígéretes erÅsítést hajtott végre. Non-crucial goals scored: goals scored that increased an existing lead, or decreased the opponent's existing lead. so the total number of goals giving the lead to a team might be higher than the number of matches played by the team. Lead-defending abilityHajduk Split have taken the lead 15 times and have conceded an equalizer on 5 occasions, corresponding to a lead-defending rate of 67% (for an opponents' equalizing rate of 33%). Lead-defending ability (away)In away matches, Rijeka have taken the lead 5 times and have conceded an equalizer on 1 occasion, corresponding to an away lead-defending rate of 80% (for an opponents' equalizing rate of 20%). El volante ofensivo sueco Alexander Kacaniklic (29) abandona el Hammarby para firmar un contrato con vigencia hasta mediados de 2024 con el Hajduk Split. Note regarding the Goals giving the lead and the Goals giving the lead to the opponent values: both the team and the opponent team might take the lead more than once during a single match, Note regarding the Goals giving the lead and the Goals giving the lead to the opponent values: both the team and the opponent team might take the lead more than once during a single match, ---------- HT: 0-0 ----------0-1 M. Caktas (90), Display Outcome Suprise-Level values for the latest played matches.More information on the calculation of the Outcome surprise-level calculation is detailed in the following blog article:Evaluating surprising results, ---------- HT: 0-0 ----------0-1 U. Nayir (72), 1-0 R. Mierez (25) ---------- HT: 1-0 ----------2-0 R. Mierez (70), 1-0 S. Kallaku (11) ---------- HT: 1-0 ----------2-0 J. Pivaric (56) 2-1 R. Muric (70) 2-2 R. Muric (90) 2-3 S. Kulenovic (90), 0-1 E. Sahiti (27) 0-2 D. Juric (32) 1-2 D. Pavicic (34) ---------- HT: 1-2 ----------2-2 F. Andrijasevic (90), 0-1 M. Bulat (9) ---------- HT: 0-1 ----------1-1 S. Yateke (84) 2-1 R. Muric (90), ---------- HT: 0-0 ----------1-0 M. Cuze (53), 1-0 F. Andrijasevic (13) ---------- HT: 1-0 ----------2-0 F. Andrijasevic (70) 2-1 G. Guzina (70), 1-0 V. Jugovic (5) 2-0 P. Bockaj (38) ---------- HT: 2-0 ----------3-0 R. Mierez (75), ---------- HT: 0-0 ----------1-0 F. Andrijasevic (69) 2-0 S. Kulenovic (90), 0-1 J. Obregon (16) 1-1 M. Stolnik (20) (o.g. so the total number of goals giving the lead to a team might be higher than the number of matches played by the team. Equalizing abilityOf the 16 times that Rijeka's opponents have taken the lead, Rijeka have managed to score an equalizer on 7 occasions, corresponding to an equalizing rate of 44%.
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