A Buffer Zone is an area surrounding the World Heritage Site that gives an added layer of protection to the Site. Buffer Zone Liverpool has learned that she can prosper without the slave trade or slave labour. Within buffer zones, resource use may be legally or customarily restricted, often to a lesser degree than in the adjacent protected area so as to form a transition zone. The nine Sacri Monti (Sacred Mountains) of northern Italy are groups of chapels and other architectural features created in the late 16th and 17th centuries and dedicated to different aspects of the Christian faith. Also encourages States Parties to refine and put in place relevant legal tools or management plans concerning the conservation of properties and management of buffer zones. Italy ratified the convention on June 23, 1978, making its historical sites eligible for inclusion on the list. In this way, the Creative Cities contribute to reaching the Objectives of sustainable development established by the Uniited Nations’ Agenda 2030. Our heritage, be it cultural or natural, is an irreplaceable source of life and inspiration. Simply put, a buffer zone is needed to protect organic crops from contaminants that may be used on adjacent properties. Together with World Heritage List (WHL) sites and Biosphere Reserves (MAB), the UNESCO Global Geoparks form a comprehensive collection of tools for the promotion of sustainable development, acting on both global and local levels. The report will be mostly a statistical nature. Een bufferzone is een gebied dat twee andere gebieden van elkaar gescheiden houdt. The following are found in Piedmont: UNESCO Global Geoparks - unique geographical areas whose sites and landscapes are of international geological value from the point of view of a holistic approach to conservation, education and sustainable development - have been recognised within the scope of the "International Geoscience and Geoparks Programme" launched by UNESCO in 2015. c) Buffer Zone 2 – West of Port Louis Pamplemousses dual Carriage way (Motorway) 29 ci) Compatible land uses 29 cii) Incompatible land uses 29 Buffer zones are an important tool for conservation of properties inscribed on the World Heritage List. The main objectives of the meeting are to: The results of the meeting will be presented to the 32nd World Heritage Committee Session in 2008 in Quebec, Canada. Her docks are crowded with ships from all parts of the world. SITI UNESCO IN PIEMONTE. Buffer zone(s): which usually surrounds or adjoins the core areas, and is used for cooperative activities compatible with sound ecological practices, including environmental education, recreation, ecotourism, and applied and basic research. 2. Will be given the number of monuments of national and local importance which are included in the new buffer zone. Die zone heeft zelf geen Uitzonderlijke Universele Waarde maar kan wel invloed hebben op de werelderfgoedsite die ze begrenst. 2. Further notes that threats originating outside the World Heritage properties and beyond buffer zones may have adverse impacts on the Outstanding Universal Value of properties and therefore encourages States Parties, together with the World Heritage Centre and the Advisory Bodies, to take into account the recommendations of the «International Expert Meeting on Buffer zones» (Davos, Switzerland 2008) as provided in the detailed report of the meeting and its publication; 5. UNESCO, for the excellent preparation of the expert meeting. Having examined Document WHC-08/32.COM/7.1. A buffer zone is a neutral zonal area that lies between two or more bodies of land, usually pertaining to countries.Depending on the type of buffer zone, it may serve to separate regions or conjoin them. This landscape covers five distinct wine-growing areas with outstanding landscapes and the Castle of Cavour, an emblematic name both in the development of vineyards and in Italian history. Notes the detailed report provided by the expert meeting which reflects on a wide range of issues relevant to World Heritage and buffer zones and also notes the publication under preparation for the World Heritage paper series; 4. Bekende typen bufferzone zijn gedemilitariseerde zones en rijksbufferzones (groene gordels).Een bufferzone kan ook een heel land omvatten en zo een bufferstaat vormen.. Bufferzones kunnen ingesteld worden om bijvoorbeeld geweld te voorkomen, het natuur of milieu te beschermen, woongebieden beschermen … The discussion will focus on problems and best practices concerning buffer zones and issues related to the integrity of properties inscribed on the World Heritage List. In the most current version of the Operational Guidelines of 2005 the inclusion of a buffer zone into a nomination of a site to the World Heritage List is strongly recommended but not mandatory. Buffer zone definition is - a neutral area separating conflicting forces; broadly : an area designed to separate. 1. The working languages of the meeting are French and English. n. A neutral area between hostile or belligerent forces that serves to prevent conflict. Experts and site managers from States Parties to the World Heritage Convention, representatives from the Advisory Bodies to the Convention IUCN, ICOMOS, ICCROM, representatives of related Conventions and programmes (RAMSAR, MAB) as well as representatives of UNESCO and the World Heritage Centre will participate in the meeting. I territori individuati sono raggruppati in 6 componenti (core zone) e due zone tampone (buffer zone): ... “Sito UNESCO i paesaggi vitivinicoli del Piemonte: Langhe-Roero e Monferrato. In this zone includes the most famous archaeological monuments of Kiev, as these areas of the city was the center of the city at the time of Kyiv Rus period. Review case studies of World Heritage properties, natural, cultural and cultural landscape sites to be presented to the workshop; Review background papers by the World Heritage Centre and the Advisory Bodies as well as information analyzed through the Retrospective Inventory Project; Compile specific recommendations from the working groups at the Workshop and a draft decision for the 32nd Session of the World Heritage Committee. There will be an interpretation service in both languages. Each Reserve of the Biosphere has to include three interdependent areas: • the “core-area”, where human activities are limited and the main priorities are the protection and long-lasting preservation of natural habitats and communities found within; • the “buffer zone” which surrounds or borders power stations, where only activities compatible with conservation may be undertaken, including environmental education, ecotourism, monitoring and scientific research; • the “transition zone”, where economic and social activities must aim towards the execution of projects and good conduct regarding sustainable development, in order to benefit the local population. The cities that make up the network - divided into seven areas corresponding to seven cultural sectors (Music, Literature, Handicrafts and Folk Art, Design, Media Arts, Gastronomy, Cinema) – develop and experiment with innovative methods to include creativity within their territorial strategies and increase the impact of culture on urban development. buffer zone synonyms, buffer zone pronunciation, buffer zone translation, English dictionary definition of buffer zone. Werelderfgoed met een buffer Gepubliceerd op ... Het begrip ‘bufferzone’ evolueerde bij UNESCO van een vrijblijvende optie naar een duidelijk omschreven aanbeveling. A buffer zone must be sufficient in size or other features (e.g., windbreaks or a diversion ditch) to prevent contact by prohibited substances applied to adjacent land areas.” Why do I need a buffer zone around my organic farm? This expert meeting will implement Decision 30 COM 9 by the 30th session of the World Heritage Committee. In the most current version of the Operational Guidelines of 2005 the inclusion of a buffer zone into a nomination of a site to the World Heritage List is strongly recommended but not mandatory. How to use buffer zone in a sentence. The World Network of Biosphere Reserves currently includes 19 reserves in Italy. Also, you might want to take a look at my article about my visit to the abandoned Nicosia International Airport. And the city, with its population of six hundred thousand souls, is one of the most prosperous in the United Kingdom. De Organisatie der Verenigde Naties voor Onderwijs, Wetenschap en Cultuur (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, UNESCO) is een gespecialiseerde organisatie van de Verenigde Naties met als missie het bijdragen aan de vredesopbouw, armoedebestrijding, duurzame ontwikkeling en interculturele dialoog door onderwijs, wetenschap, cultuur en communicatie. The Convention Concerning the Protection of the World’s Cultural and Natural Heritage, adopted by UNESCO in 1972, dictates that candidates may be added to the World Heritage List as “Cultural heritage”, “Natural heritage” and mixed cultural and natural sites. All the Creative Cities are committed to the development and exchange of good innovative practices in order to reinforce the participation in cultural life and to integrate culture in their development policies. All along the history of implementation of the World Heritage Convention, the protection of the “surroundings” of the inscribed properties was considered an essential component of the conservation strategy, for cultural and natural sites alike. New constructions within a buffer zone may have an impact on the World Heritage property and could threaten its Outstanding Universal Value; a different legal status of a buffer zone could also impact the conservation, the protection or management plan of a site. UNESCO Global Geoparks strive to increase awareness and knowledge regarding the role and importance of geodiversity, and to promote best practices as they relate to conservation, education, dissemination and tourism-related use of geological heritage. Buffer zones are areas created to enhance the protection of a specific conservation area, often peripheral to it. Unesco Biosfeergebieden zijn gebieden die gelden als proeftuin voor duurzame ontwikkeling. Sacri Monti of Piedmont and Lombardy. LISTA DEL PATRIMONIO MONDIALE WHL. In the Geoparks - the primary objective of which is to protect biodiversity -, conservation efforts are combined with sustainable development and the involvement of local communities. BufferZone has been created by a frustrated pool maintenance company that couldn't find anything else that really fit with the unique way that the swimming pool industry works. In some parts of old Nicosia it is only a few meters wide, while in other areas it is a few Many World Heritage properties face problems that directly or indirectly derive from the situation of their buffer zone. Development density, setbacks and heights in the Buffer Zones 30 a) General guidelines 31 b) Height and Setback Control 34 Buffer Zone 1 34 Buffer Zone … 5. Recalling Decision 30 COM 9, adopted at its 30th session (Vilnius, 2006) and thanking the States Parties of Israel and Switzerland for jointly hosting the International Expert Meeting on World Heritage and Buffer Zones (Davos, Switzerland, 11-14 March 2008) in cooperation with the World Heritage Centre; 3. 11 ... buffer zone ultimately resulting in a specific solution. The UNESCO World Heritage Sites are places of importance to cultural or natural heritage as described in the UNESCO World Heritage Convention, established in 1972. The Buffer Zone is a territory which directly influences the protection and preservation of the Site’s heritage. © UNESCO World Heritage Centre 1992-2021 Committee sessions Statutory Documents Committee decisions More sessions... 44th session (2020) 14th Extraordinary session (2020) 43rd session (2019) 42nd session (2018), General Assembly 23rd GA UNESCO Paris (2021) 22nd GA UNESCO Paris (2019) 21st GA UNESCO Paris (2017), About World Heritage The Convention, Convention Text Policy Compendium Operational Guidelines The Emblem The States Parties The Advisory Bodies The Centre Employment & Internships Who's Who, The List World Heritage List World Heritage in Danger New Inscriptions Criteria for Selection Tentative Lists World Heritage List Nominations, Reporting & Monitoring State of Conservation (SOC) Periodic Reporting Questionnaires 2008-2015 Reactive Monitoring Africa Arab States Asia & Pacific Latin America and the Caribbean Europe and North America, Partnerships Become a Partner What Partners Do Our Partners, Activities All our activities Volunteer Group Tools. After 1974, most of Cyprus’s Greek and Turkish Cypriots have lived separately in northern and southern regions of the island that are currently divided by a UN-controlled Buffer Zone. A buffer zone serves to provide an additional layer of protection to a World Heritage property. 3. This area of protection has the purpose of contributing to the preservation of the landscape by protecting the remarkable views, and is also conceived as an area of logistic support for any activity related to the enjoyment of the Site’s heritage. Notes the progress made with the wide range of issues relevant to World Heritage and buffer zones including the publication on "World Heritage and Buffer Zones" (World Heritage Papers 25), and considerations within discussions on "World Heritage and sustainable development"; 4.
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